Blood Ink on Monday

The hellaciously cool publishers down at the U of A’s Blood Ink Lit Journal are throwing a literary party on Monday (full event details below). You’ll be able to pick up a copy of the new issue as well as hear a few of the authors read their stuff. I’m looking forward to reading the latest rag. These guys really put out a diverse and entertaining package. Always inspiring. As usual, they’ve invited a few people to come out and read, including yours truly. I’ll be kicking out a ten minute set – some old shit, some new shit. It feels like it’s been awhile since I’ve done a reading, but it’s only been a month. I miss it, I guess. I truly love reading. On another note, keep your eyes peeled for the announcement of the brand spankin’ new Raving Poets series. Official word forthcoming, after we clear all the legals and other horseshit. I think that’s it for now. Back to regular StreetRag stuff next week.
Blood Ink: The Winter Bends
New Issue Launch and Reading
Monday, January 15, 2007 – 7:00pm
Teddy’s Pub and Grill
11361 Jasper Avenue