The Marrying Type

About a year ago, I asked my then girlfriend, Kerry Mulholland, to marry me. Astonishingly, she said yes. In less than three weeks, the knot will be tied and we’ll be husband and wife. I’m excited as all hell about the whole thing. Ker’s a helluva woman and I’m lucky to be marrying her. We’re also forming a family as I step into a very challenging role – that of stepfather to her daughter. It’s a job that I welcome. The kid is also a helluva young woman. I say all of this as background. I have to take a bit of a break from this site. StreetRag is officially on hiatus until late September 2007. If you’re looking for something cool to read, check out these links. Tons of great work being done there.
So I’ll catch you later. Take care, my friends. We’ll talk again soon.