The Uptown Browns Launch

It’s one thing to write a novel and it’s another to get it out into the world. On Thursday, December 6, 2007 my good friend Mark Kozub launches his latest magnum opus, The Uptown Browns. It’s the sequel to his highly successful novel The Brown Family, released back in 2005. The book is a labour of love for Kozub – a man who has shouldered his share of family travails as of late. Expect Kozub’s funny and sentimental prose to shine through and guide his characters to what’s truly important in life – each other. If there’s one thing I know about Mark (and all writers, truth be told), it’s that he puts a bit of himself into every story. Chip Brown? Shades of Mark? Perhaps. You’ll have to buy the book to find out. The thing was published by my good friends over at Dramatic Situations. Huge props to them for supporting local writers. Details on the launch are below, and the event is hosted by The Raving Poets Band and yours truly. Check it out:
Dramatic Situations and Greenwood’s Bookshoppe
cordially invite you to the launch of “The Uptown Browns”
A New Novel by author Mark Kozub
Thursday, December 6, 2007
7:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Greenwoods’ Bookshoppe
7925 – 104 Street
Edmonton, Alberta
The evening will feature:
A reading & book signing
Music by the Raving Poets Band
Wine & snacks
Be there or be Brown…