MG & The Underground Gynos

“The Roar Spoken Word Festival is not a James Taylor album. It’s a Clash album.” That statement has been the operating mantra of The Roar Festival since day one. Never boring. Always daring and compelling. Something with a bold spirit and a bolder vision. That’s the ideal, anyways. This festival has been a challenge. It’s a big deal. Three days of events, each requiring logistical muscle and a crew of volunteers. But hell, nothing happens without a pound of sweat and a clear vision, right?
Down to it. I’m doing a reading tomorrow night. A longer one. I’ll be reading for about 25 minutes or so. A long time to read poetry and hold an audience, but I think it’ll be a compelling show. I’m gonna pull out some old faves and tee up some new, untested work. Here is the skinny:
Mike Gravel and The Underground Gynecologists: A Rock and Roll Poetry Show featuring Mike Gravel, JD Lavender and guest Mark Kozub on bass guitar.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Mimi’s Lounge
10154 – 100 Street, Edmonton [ map to venue ]
7:15pm to 8:15pm.
Hosted by Mike’s love, Kerry Mulholland
No Cover.
It would be superb if you could join us. I will reveal the origin of the Underground Gynos; the mythos of the (fake) band. Should be rockin’.